Clip DescriptionThe executioner enters and cheerfully greets her. He tells her it is quite exciting to be able to behead such a well-known criminal, and he is looking forward to it. He asks if she is ready to lose her head? He admires her legs, remarking on them as well as her choice of attire for her execution.-She replies in an annoyed tone that she has been ready to lose her head for quite a while, at least since he tied her up and left her there, and that it is about time that he returned. As for her attire, she indicates that her legs are her best feature, so why not show them off one more time? Besides, she has always liked having her way with men and it pleases her to think that everyone watching her execution will certainly have an erection.-The executioner says he is sorry to disappoint her, but only he will be witnessing her execution; she replies that he will have to do, and notes that he already has a bulge in his pants. He wonders aloud if she’ll be so cocky once the lunette closes around her neck, helps her to her feet and walks her to the execution room. -They arrive at the guillotine. It is set up for a kneeling beheading. He allows her to walk around it alone, and she struts slowly around the machine, remarking on its features. She is surprised it is so small and expresses some concern that it is up to the task of removing her head. She wants this to be quick…that is why she chose the guillotine over the gallows. She reminds him she gave up the chance for a sexy dance at the end of the rope for a quick, relatively painless beheading. The executioner tells her she should not be concerned, that he is a professional, and that he has successfully removed the heads of many women with this machine.-She continues to walk around the machine and begins to taunt him. How many heads has he cut off? Does he just execute women? Does he enjoy cutting off women’s heads? What does he find sexier…a woman with a head or a headless woman? Is he fucking the mouths of the severed heads? Is he having sex with the headless bodies? What is he going to do with her? - She sits on the platform and crosses her legs. She sweetly suggests he doesn’t have to settle for a headless woman; he can have a whole one! She’s much better with her head than without it! How would she suck his cock if she had no head?He takes her up on the offer (she stays boud for the BJ)... Then after she''s finished he tells that while she''s given great head, he''s still going to take her head off anyways...cause after all, it''s his job...He pulls her to her feet. She seems shocked that her ploy didn’t work…she’s such a tease and always has gotten her way before. -He makes her kneel in front of the machine. Her mood has changed to anger…she taunts him, telling him this is clearly the only way he’d get to have a woman is to cut her head off, then have sex with the body and severed head. He ignores her. He pushes her head into the lunette and closes it…she continues to taunt him…even headless, she’ll be the best lay he’s ever had. He responds that he’ll be the judge of that and drops the blade. -Her head falls (we see it drop into the basket) and her body twitches slightly. The camera stays on the headless body of the kneeling murderess still strapped into the guillotine.-The executioner removes the basket with the head. It is obvious now that she has been beheaded. We see the headless body in the guillotine, occasionally twitching. -The final shot is of the headless body of the murderess, still bound tightly, propped in a chair with her legs crossed. She crosses her legs provocatively and slowly, changing positions occasionally. We hear the thoughts of the headless model…the beheading wasn’t that bad after all…. And how is it she is still living? She muses how it is actually pretty amazing to be headless.She wonders how she looks without her head…she concludes that headless or not, she is still pretty hot…after all, she still has those gorgeous legs….and she can still take advantage of them…now if she only get these ropes/cuffs off. ', 'failed_tease_honour'),
Clip Duration: 11 minutes |
Format | Size | mp4 | 102.44 MB |
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